Perkins Clearing
Indian Lake to Speculator: Ride 1/30/20
After yesterday’s 190+ mile ride to Brantingham and back, I didn’t get back into the game until about noon. My lateness to the party had given the groomers a chance to make their rounds. Here is what it looked like when I departed the compound: A few goobers got on my case when I posted […]
Indian Lake to Speculator and Wells: Ride 1/24/20
1/26/20 – 8AM UPDATE: Well… Ended up with 4 inches of wet cement mix at the ilsnow storm center in Indian Lake! Always nice to get the unexpected bounce every now and again. ? 1/24/20 Report When I woke up this morning, I wasn’t sure whether I’d bother riding. But by 11:30am, I was about to […]
Shakedown Ride: Update 1/3/20
Whenever Little Canada between One Stop and Lone Birch looks like the above cover pic, you know things just ain’t clicking in town. I had only ridden across the parking lot at the compound this season, not even enough to register 0.1 mile on the odometer. Totally unacceptable for me and things had to change…QUICKLY! […]
Happy New Year! Update 1/1/20
This week’s cover photo is a bit better than what I showed last week, eh? 🙂 Monday into Monday night brought 2 inches of snow/sleet mash to cover things white again to the point where locals are swirling around the Indian Lake town trails again. Whether or not you want to ride them would be […]
Ride time! Update 12/19/19
The promise for snow this week rang true as it looks nice and white out there again! Snow cover is several inches around Indian Lake/Speculator and probably closer to a foot as one presses across Moose River Plains into the western Adirondacks. With everyone chomping at the bit to ride, I’ll give you my best […]