Charlie's Inn
Tupper Lake to Malone and beyond mega miler!
Crazy Cal blew off work Wednesday and wanted to do the Tupper Lake to Malone thing. No problem! I’m always happy to make that trip. I’ve even done that on back-to-back days! Got to a completely empty and snow-covered Washington Street parking lot just after 9am. I was feeling it already! This report is brought […]
For a good time, I called 1-800-TUP-PER!
My mantra is “hit it when you get it because tomorrow ain’t promised.” Opportunity knocked on my door again Wednesday. The day started -1*F at the ilsnow storm center in Indian Lake. At the time I embarked on my ride at 9:45am in Tupper Lake, the temperature was a balmy 30*F on its way to […]
Charlie’s Inn to Malone, AGAIN!
Tuesday’s ride got me off the pine for the first time in nearly two weeks. A fresh 2-3 inches by Wednesday morning had me ready to go! This time, I was able to get Darrin Jr. to blow off work and ride with me. I told him that he was gonna like it, a lot! […]
Invasion: Franklin County, NY!
Several years ago, the Indian Lake Lost Boyz of Winter took a Saturday ride from Charlie’s Inn in Lake Clear up to Malone. I wasn’t able to go on that ride. Crazy Cal regaled me with stories of endless, straight arrow power lines riding along with snowmobile riders suited up in denim, Carhartt and leather […]