Ohio Tavern and Restaurant

Charlie's Inn


For a good time, I called 1-800-TUP-PER!

My mantra is “hit it when you get it because tomorrow ain’t promised.” Opportunity knocked on my door again Wednesday. The day started -1*F at the ilsnow storm center in Indian Lake. At the time I embarked on my ride at 9:45am in Tupper Lake, the temperature was a balmy 30*F on its way to […]

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Charlie’s Inn to Malone, AGAIN!

Tuesday’s ride got me off the pine for the first time in nearly two weeks. A fresh 2-3 inches by Wednesday morning had me ready to go! This time, I was able to get Darrin Jr. to blow off work and ride with me. I told him that he was gonna like it, a lot! […]

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Invasion: Franklin County, NY!

Several years ago, the Indian Lake Lost Boyz of Winter took a Saturday ride from Charlie’s Inn in Lake Clear up to Malone. I wasn’t able to go on that ride. Crazy Cal regaled me with stories of endless, straight arrow power lines riding along with snowmobile riders suited up in denim, Carhartt and leather […]

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