Ron Rybicki
Forum Replies Created
Ron RybickiParticipant
Hey Trail Ryder
I put a loop you might like to do however I put in the wrong post (see Speculator/Perkins by emil ) Also the lake might have tightened up by now so maybe no slush.
Good food in Ohio Tavern, Haskells Inn, or the Club. Of course always good food at the OxBow.
RonRon RybickiParticipantI talked to the Senior Forester from Region 6 about this trail about 3 months ago. He said no plans to fix it this year 2022. Found out from Jen at NYSSA that all work plans are on hold until the are blessed by Protect the Adirondacks. The DEC and these greenies with NYSSA have been discussing the plans since the Law Suit so no work will be done as I said being blessed by Protect.
I gave her as lot of feed back about how dangerous this trail is and that no one seems to be concerned about the safety us us riding them. Maybe when a handy capped person gets hurt and sue’s for allowing snowmobiling on such a dangerous trail will it gets fixed. Only been going on 25 years that its been like it is now.
Screw it. I give up.
Ron- This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Ron Rybicki.
Ron RybickiParticipantGo west young man, Go west
See Darin’s ride from last Friday. Slush on the lakes is probably going to be a little worse since the sun is making the snow heavy er and heavy er. Better be studed and have some power. Once you get to the Morehouse system you’ll be fine. Do not go south from Morehouse on C4C cause the Ohio Club groomed it once this year. Go to the Hamilton County line and take either the Jones Rd south or cross the Nobolosboro Bridge and take S46A towards Ohio Either way is OK.
Darin made the Salisbury loop and it looked OK except for a little mud in Norway. From the Salisbury Club you had better be looking for gas cause there is none till you get back to OxBow. This loop might be all you want in one day. Probably looking at a 100 plus miles from Spectacular.. Ask riders in the bars where they came from and how good or bad the trails are and where they came from. Also do not take C4 out of Ohio to Salibury. Take C4B and C4 thru Norway. The Club never cut it out or groomed it this year. They just took the funding and ran.
Ron- This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Ron Rybicki.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Ron Rybicki.
Ron RybickiParticipantSalisbury sez trails are open. Talked to friends who rode from Evergreen to Salisbury last Saturday and said it was passable but not great. Powley was great but after Powley to Club was rough in places so go slow. Mud holes were froze and passable.
Sunday saw 3 inches of white gold and more coming on Tuesday.
Might be forced to go up and give it a last ditch effort this week end.
Ron.Ron RybickiParticipantOhio just posted yesterday on face book that the only trail they have open from the north is C4 jones rd to C4B near the Ohio Tavern. Any trail from Nobolosboro north or west to Ohio is closed due to a lack of snow on the trails here to run the big groomers, which I find hard to believe cause Steve Bazon ( local forest ranger ) and several members of the Club years ago ran a D6 bull dozer thru the Mad Tom section to S46 intersection and the Weakly boys used their excavator to fix, remove rocks and ditch from here to Nobolosboro. This is a high snow corridor trail formula that we paid to have maintained with our registration. It aint even cut out this year.
RonRon RybickiParticipantSalisbury just announced that their trails are now open but rough in a lot of places. They groomed what they could with the new snow and found some water holes here and there and some bare spots in the fields.
Ron.Ron RybickiParticipantNo word on face book that these trails got enough of the white gold to re open. So they are officially still closed.
RonRon RybickiParticipantAs Darrin said in his weather report. You had better know where the CRICK INLETS and LAKE OUTLETS are or do not ride the lakes. I see sleds at the OxBow on the web cam so I know they crossed a lake or lakes to get here. Even most locals have to at least cross Oxbow Lake to get here and or Spy Lake and or Piseco Lake and or Sacandaga Lake and or Lake Pleasant but they probably know the inlets and outlets
PS As far as the Ohio and Salisbury trails are concerned. They are still closed at this time. Nothing to the contrary on face book.Ron RybickiParticipantYou guys in Morehouse well deserved a couple of drinks and we thank you very much for the work you guys do here.
Ron and the F Troop RidersRon RybickiParticipantWe rode C4A over Evergreen Lake to Ohio last Saturday. Thru Morehouse C4 and Took the Jones Rd C4 to Rt 8 then to the Ohio Tavern. Not as many sleds out as I thought there would be.
Trails are hard as a rock and were holding up real well, but its rain now in Morehouse and Piseco
The trail to Haskells S46A was closed. The club sez there are to many rocks not covered yet however I talked to people that night in Haskells who said the snow cover was not that bad but the trail has several blow downs. This trail was worked over with a bull dozer by the Local Forest Ranger and the club some years ago and should not be that bad as far as rocks go. It should have been cut out. I did not take it but it should have been marked at both ends that its closed.
I know this club relies on volunteers and I am not bad mouthing them but this is what I was told by the President of the club ( Matt K ) Sorry
RonRon RybickiParticipantHeard from friends who went thru Morehouse to Haskells in Ohio On C4 and used Evergreen Lake. ( lake was OK, a little mud on the est end) It was a little scratchy once they got past the fire co. in Morehouse. The rest all the way was great for early snow conditions. They met Iciceal Al grooming and of course thanked him and the boys. The Jones RD was great and the Ohio boys broke the banks down along the Wilhurt RD. Haskells was mobbed. They waited for only about a 1/2 hr for a table. They did not go near the Ohio Tavern as they knew what it would be like.
Other friends took the trail C4C down to Mosquito Hill but did not go past as the Ohio club did not even cut it out yet or for that matter did not cut out C4 to Jerseyfield Lake Rd. The trail was great to the Hill.
See my report for Ariett’s trail.
RonRon RybickiParticipantWe Know Jersey Mike very well and were with him that night in the Ox Bow talking about his ordeal. We was very lucky to be alive as he said he felt himself falling asleep while in the water hanging on to the ice. The good ol boys from the Long Lake Fire Company has a air boat and got him out. He was in the water for nearly an hour. He has a camp in Evergreen and we see him quite often. Our camp is up on the mountain thru Evergreen and we own the swamp where you get on and off of the lake here.
RonRon RybickiParticipantIt was reported on the Albany Channel 13 news at 12 noon today the divers found the body of the snowmobilier that went in Pecks Lake last night. Very sorry and sincere condolences to his family.
RonRon RybickiParticipantAs of January 7th Evergreen is shot and unsafe at both ends. Panther Mtn. stream is cut out into the lake about 30 feet wide and the whole length of its east shore. The stream was roaring all nite but it did skim over where we cross it as the temp did get down to 14 above.
The dam is wide open but I hope when the stream calms down the owner starts to close it or we will have mud holes that will swallow a sled whole at the west end.
RonRon RybickiParticipantBig Thanks Iciceal AL—- How did I know Morehouse would be the first gang of groomers out. We were up to camp last Wednesday the 21st. At least 24′ on the ground and Evergreen was locked shore to shore. As of today Piseco still had open water on it.
The BR 180 was at the Powley RD but can’t tell if it was moved at all. The Scandics were not there yet on the end of Old Piseco Rd. but its early and maybe Arietta is not grooming till the southern clubs start. I know Salisbury and probably Ohio is not opening their trails till the end of the special hunt for the southern zone as a respect to the hunting clubs here.
I checked with Salisbury and the Jerseyfield Lake Rd to Ohio (C4) has had NO work by the DEC to date. I called the Senior Forester (Keith Rivers) about this in October to see if we were to get anything done to make this trail safe for snowmobiling He never called me back so to every one seeing this post–Do not take this trail until as it is dangerous to use. Only been 26 years now to try to get them to fix it.
PS MY niece Jen is now the manager of the Irondequoit Inn on the east end of Piseco Lake and is going to be open for snomobiliers who may want a old Adirondack experience with room and board.
Ron- This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by Ron Rybicki.