Blue Mountain Rest

Sad sack of shit

About Forums Trail reports Sad sack of shit

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  • #18869

    Almost exactly one year ago from the last post on this thread and here we are in the same situation this year.

    The season gets shorter and shorter every year and the costs keep going up. Anyone in their right mind would sell out now while used powersports are selling at record high levels. Fortunately, I am not in my right mind and still love to ride…Hoping we can squeeze out at least a short season this year…


    The cost of EVERYTHING has gone up.

    And the time I have left is getting shorter and shorter every year.

    Trying to squeeze out a good life in my remaining days.


    Ron Rybicki

    Hey Iclcleal
    Was talking to the forester this past September. He said the Ohio Club got a bridge in that Fly south of Mosquito Hill but as of this past November there has been no attempt to get a bridge built over Mill Creek on the Jerseyfield Lake Rd to Bull Hill (C4A)
    All kinds of excuses from the Law Suit to requiring a Structural Engineer to tell them how to build a 15 or 20 foot bridge so the trail is still unsafe and now with no cold temps the mud holes should be wide open. GREAT
    Now for maybe the good news.
    The old owner of Evergreen Park is staying for the whole winter (so I was told) Maybe now the dam might be better taken care of to regulate the level of the lake so we do not get mud holes in it as we had seen with the new owner. The new owner is now the new Supervisor of Arietta but not a snowmobiler. I offered my expertise but he did not seem to interested as he said we have a trail boss who also is not a snowmobiler. I’ve only been riding the trails in town for the past 48 years. Stlil no work being done on the mud holes in Sheriff Lake.
    The town only gets an avg. of $42,000 bucks a year to maintain the trails though.
    PS WE had a venison hot dog roast at the G Lake cable the last Saturday of the season and knew you were in there. You probably saw the fire still going when you came out. I put 3 shots in the air to get you interested.
    Off for now


    Hey Polecat
    Just missed you guys Sat. Heard 3 shots and was waiting for mega mule to come running by! Found log on windshield though with NO hat teeshirt or Ftroop memorabila! Someone dragged deer out from above our old tent camp on that Wed. or Thurs. Maybe the guys in the tent ? Sorry I never got to your camp, getting old i guess had all i could do to drag sorry ass out Next year for sure. Haven’t been out yet we didn’t get the sidexside and the 2012 is still apart . There’s a blowdown in the trail just above Karls camp hope to get it this coming week. Say hi to Ftroopers and see you on the trail

    E. Emil

    January 7th – a Friday afternoon – and not a single sled in sight on any of the ILSnow web cams.

    Sad indeed.

    Ron Rybicki

    Our first decent ride one year ago was on January 15th at the west end of Piseco Lake. We went over Evergreen into Morehouse system as we know the boys there do a fantastic job on their trails. In fact most of our riding was in this direction for most of last season.

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