Screamen Eagle

Riding Out of Speculator

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  • #21961
    Trail Ryder

    I have not ridden out of Speculator for several years and booked a room at the Cedarhurst Motor Lodge for this coming weekend.

    I am looking for recommendations for a big mile loop for Saturday and slightly less loop on Sunday. Good food and drink is a great what to compliment the ride as well. Again, looking for bigger miles but don’t want to ride crap just for the sake of racking miles.

    Speculator dinner and breakfast recommendations are appreciated as well.


    Ron Rybicki

    Hey Trail Ryder
    I put a loop you might like to do however I put in the wrong post (see Speculator/Perkins by emil ) Also the lake might have tightened up by now so maybe no slush.
    Good food in Ohio Tavern, Haskells Inn, or the Club. Of course always good food at the OxBow.

    Trail Ryder

    Thanks Ron. I was the guy who bought that VMax 600 off of you years ago.

    I was getting mixed reviews on Speculator, so I went to Tupper Lake last weekend instead.

    Saturday, we launched from our motel in Tupper Lake and went North on C7 up past Loon Lake and then West on C8 (which was amazing). We headed into South Colton for lunch at the Mahogany Ridge Grill and headed South on C8E then over to C7A to check out the view from the top of Little Blue Mountain. We continued South on C7A to C7C for refresher at the Thirsty Moose. And then South to Horseshoe via C7A and then up C7 back to Tupper Lake. Overall, traffic was light and conditions were near perfect. We finished the day with 186 miles.

    Sunday morning, we launched from the Thristy Moose and then South to Horseshoe via C7A, to the C7 railbed to Sabattis, and then C7B to Long Lake for lunch. We then back tracked back to the Moose and headed home. Again, conditions were about as good as it gets, and we saw less than 10 sleds in 110 miles.

    I am thankful for the sheople that decided to ride in circles this weekend in Old Farce and Thug Hill.

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