Blue Mountain Rest

Ohio and Salisbury Closed

About Forums Trail reports Ohio and Salisbury Closed

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  • #21440
    Ron Rybicki

    The Ohio Club and the Salisbury Club closed their trails on face book last night due to all the rain Thursday night out of respect for the land owners. These southern clubs have a lot of private lands in their areas.
    Take a look at Piseco Lake from the Irondequiot Inn. It looks like a soggy mess. It definitely looks like wife and I will be going to the Oxbow for dinner and the tree burning tomarrow night by car.
    Pleasant Riders puts out hot dogs of death and burgers and a great fire work show for anyone. You can even sign up to become a member to ride their trails.

    Ron Rybicki

    No word on face book that these trails got enough of the white gold to re open. So they are officially still closed.

    Ron Rybicki

    Salisbury just announced that their trails are now open but rough in a lot of places. They groomed what they could with the new snow and found some water holes here and there and some bare spots in the fields.

    Ron Rybicki

    Ohio just posted yesterday on face book that the only trail they have open from the north is C4 jones rd to C4B near the Ohio Tavern. Any trail from Nobolosboro north or west to Ohio is closed due to a lack of snow on the trails here to run the big groomers, which I find hard to believe cause Steve Bazon ( local forest ranger ) and several members of the Club years ago ran a D6 bull dozer thru the Mad Tom section to S46 intersection and the Weakly boys used their excavator to fix, remove rocks and ditch from here to Nobolosboro. This is a high snow corridor trail formula that we paid to have maintained with our registration. It aint even cut out this year.

    Ron Rybicki

    Salisbury sez trails are open. Talked to friends who rode from Evergreen to Salisbury last Saturday and said it was passable but not great. Powley was great but after Powley to Club was rough in places so go slow. Mud holes were froze and passable.
    Sunday saw 3 inches of white gold and more coming on Tuesday.
    Might be forced to go up and give it a last ditch effort this week end.

    Ron Rybicki

    Friends took the Mad Tom to S46 this past Saturday and said it was great. The boys in Ohio were able to use the big groomer here so they could stay nice and warm in the cab. Must be the new snow last week was enough to cover the giant rocks they complain about. Interesting ? ?
    But no word on C4C to C4 Mosquito Hill trail and of course no word on C4 to Jerseyfield Lake either. High Snow and corridor trails formula. Here some one has to use a Scandik and they cant find any one. Its not wide enough for the big groomers. I give up.

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