Screamen Eagle

Mosquito Hill….closure

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    Pipe washed out at bottom of Mosquito Hill. No through traffic. Trail is taped off!
    Need more snow!!


    Trail to Mosquito Hill is open on the Morehouse end! Bridges built at bottom of the hill. Don’t know if Ohio has their end open?
    Thank you,

    Ron Rybicki

    I talked to a groomer Friday nite who drags trails in Morehouse (1/15/21) in the Oxbow Inn. He said they built two new bridges to Mosquito Hill and all is OK now but they went south to see if Ohio did any thing on their section. The mud holes in the fly just south has not been fixed. You will have to wait for the fly to freeze before you can get thru or try to plow thru the mud to get any further.
    I am going to call the Pres. of the Ohio club cause we had planned to head this direction to get to the Alamo in Poland this coming week end.
    We got at least 16 inches of the white gold around north Arietta and Morehouse. My other friend said it gets a little sparse as you get lower in elevation near to Ohio but its mostly fields and is good to ride. They went to the Ohio Tavern this past Saturday and had a great ride.

    Ron Rybicki

    I talked to a groomer from the Ohio Club last nite. He said several volunteers are going into trail C4C to Mosquito Hill this coming Saturday to fix the mud holes in that fly just south of the hill. I might see them Friday nite in the Ohio Tavern and buy them a beer or two. He did not know if the trail C4A to Jerseyfield Lake Rd has been touched at all due to lack of snow here. He said the guy who takes care of this section had to fix the bridge over Jerseyfield Lake outlet but thats all he knew. The DEC was supposed to fix this trail this year but it does’nt sound like they did anything. I called him also. He said there is enough snow but you have to be aware of some rocks here and there, so go slow. He is fixing the mud holes him self. The DEC never got to do anything on this trail as we were promised by the Senior Forester in Watertown (Dave Smith) I”m sure they all going to blame covid. I do know the Commissioner curtailed all of the foresters work miles down to one day a week, stating the economy due to covid. Forget the safety of the snowmobiling community. Its now 21 years that we have been trying to get these trails safe enough to ride and I have heard every excuse in the book from these guys. I am now 80 and I said 10 years ago that by the time the DEC gets to do anything here, I will be to old to ride. I probably am right.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Ron Rybicki.

    Ron You’re a young 80 though! Maybe those mudholes will freeze up this weekend and solve our problems for awhile . We’ll probably do Mosq. hill tomorrow and check them . Wayner (Sketter) can post the conditions. Maybe see you at the Ohio Fri.

    Ron Rybicki

    Great–Now I know who Skeeter is–Thank him for me, I already thanked Ed in the Bow last Friday.


    According to the Ohio club Farcebook page, they opened up the trail on 1/23. Th picture shows some bridge building or repairing. According to one comment “Another day of clipping and a lil more snow to fine tube it and that trail will b the best its ever been…alot of traffic on it today!!”

    On a related note, the Stratford Snowdrifters have don a lot of work on C8 in lower Arietta. I was part of a work party that cleared the trail from the former Arietta Hotel (which is being refurbished and will re-open as the Balsam Inn) to C8 and S82 over to Spectacle Lake. So this means we could ride a nice loop down from Clockmill Corners, over to Stratford, then either up the Powley Road or over To Salisbury then up through Mosquito Hill.

    Ron Rybicki

    Thanks Pete
    I heard the club was going in to Mosquito Hill this past Saturday. I hope they got the blow downs out of the C4A part towards Jerseyfield Lake Rd.


    Jan and I rode down to Buck Pt. and beyond towards Ohio on Mon afternoon (25th) . The Ohio guys did a fine job from Mosq. Hill to the junction. Wonder what the drag looks like after seeing some of the boulders they hit! Looks like the big groomers took over after Buck Pt. Great job Ohio!

    Ron Rybicki

    We rode thru the Hill this past Saturday. Counted 15 sleds passing by or having a grog or two there. The trail to Buck Point was great and even better all the way to Ohio. Here they were able to use the big groomers. The club was supposed to cut out two blow downs going to Jeseyfield Lake Rd this past Saturday. and groom it I hope they did. I’ll find out from a friend who went this way Saturday.
    We went on to find what we thought was the new Kayahora Resort but found out the restaurant part of it is called Rocky’s. We had a great lunch. It is right on Hinkley lake and to get to it you can ride the roads or take the Lake from the camp ground on the south side. You can ride along the shore line or brave a little slush on the ice to get to it. We took the lake so when you get to the shore in the camp ground bear left between a island and the point on the main shore and you come right to it.
    The Ohio Club sez they are going to build a trail to it so you wont have to ride roads or use the lake before safe ice.

    Ron Rybicki

    Took C4C thru the hill this past Saturday to Rocky’s on Hinkley. All trails were great. Big thanks to Ohio Club.

    Ron Rybicki

    Repeated the above this past week and only went to the Alamo in Poland. All trails were great and a big thanks again to Morehouse and Ohio.

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