Blue Mountain Rest

Moose River

About Forums Trail reports Moose River

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  • #18147

    A Saturday ride to the Ole Barn for lunch was fun…The Indian Lake end was as bad as u will ever see , ever…met 2 groomers on the Inlet side and it was nice…what is wrong with Indian Lake and their lack of grooming knowledge, year after year…that big beautiful groomer parked…I cant help but think of the amount of business snowmobiling brings to Indian Lake…Anyway, a great season packed with lots of memorable times…and thanks Darren for this site…


    They were grooming all last week. Not sure why the groomer would sit over the weekend.

    Anyway, I do thank you for your kind words about my website. It’s always a lot of fun for me.

    Enjoy doing the trail reports almost as much as I enjoy riding.



    To the Indian Lake groomer personnel, I think there’s quite a bit more to grooming than we know…equipment may be down, not enough $ for fixing equipment, may be not enough $ for fuel to do it as often as needed, may be not enough volunteers to work the machines as needed, but we don’t all feel like you’re
    ‘Lacking knowledge year after year’. In fact, just the opposite…we’re appreciative of you’re volunteer efforts and any grooming that does get done given you’re providing you’re own, personal, valuable time so that we might enjoy ourselves. I have come across your trails on a regular basis, and they have been great, so I’d like to say “Thank You”. Hopefully, if people aren’t happy – they’ll volunteer or donate more $ to help instead of complain.

    E. Emil

    I think there are two sides to that issue – if a municipality with employees is responsible for grooming, there should be a real good excuse if it’s not getting done. It’s troubling in that, for the most part, there’s no accountability for a municipality getting trail money and not doing the work.

    However, volunteer organization (clubs) can only do so much, particularly given family commitments, work demands, COVID limitations, and similar issues. Absent having a trail use permit system where groomer staff could be paid, the clubs do the best with what they have and I accept their efforts with gratitude. Not that I’m against a permit system – given what we’re paying for sleds, fuel, insurance, and registration, having to pay for an annual trail permit would not be a huge burden and would add to local employment opportunities in an otherwise depressed off-season economy. Permit fees could be waived for volunteers that put in the hours with their local club. Think about it – do you want people coming to ride our area just because its free or because the trails are great and there is value to what their paying for?

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