Blue Mountain Rest

Indian Lake Party

About Forums Trail reports Indian Lake Party

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  • #26468
    Ron Rybicki

    Any one know where this party took place on the lake. ? ? It was on facebook and looks like it took place over this past week end. The party goers cut what looks like a 12 inch wide swath in a large circle and the current was causing the inner circle to rotate. I hope this was not on the main trail on the lake as they left big chunks of 8 to 10 inch ice on the lake. I can just see a rider hit one of these chunks at a good rate of speed. He or she are going to flip it and possibly get hurt. Or was it on one of the smaller lakes around the village.


    The ice carousel was on Blue Mountain Lake. Not many sledders get to that lake.


    Ron Rybicki

    OK Thanks Darin My friends are still riding around Piseco, Morehouse and OxBow as of last Saturday. They clicked off 100 and said it was a 9 out of a possible 10. I know the Powley Rd should still be good and in the woods when I left on Sunday March 9 there was 3 ft of snow left on our drive way in Evergreen Lake. They put in at the Pine Lake parking area went towards Nine Corner Lake and Pleasant Lake and continued up to Piseco. Se you next season.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 2 days ago by Ron Rybicki.
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