Screamen Eagle

Indian Lake 1/2/21

About Forums Trail reports Indian Lake 1/2/21

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  • #17384

    8am Update: Yay! Snow day in Indian Lake, NY. Got 3 inches of snow down so far and continues to come down at a steady clip. Good amount of sleet/freezing rain from last night added moisture and body to the snow. This is helpful for people who want to run Moose River Plains or Perkins Clearing for some smiles. I had heard the Limekiln Gate on the west side of Moose River Plains was closed to keep out cars and trucks – but has since been reopened.

    Town trails and narrow woods trails still need much more snow before they can become “good.” But at least you’ll be able to slither and pick your way through them. Just be wary of the usual early season hazards like water/mud spots, rocks and fallen trees/branches.

    For the love of all things good, stay off the lakes, especially the bigger ones that take longer to freeze up. I really don’t want to read about you falling through the ice in the Hamilton County Snooze next week.

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