Screamen Eagle

Evergreen Lake and West End of Piseco

About Forums Trail reports Evergreen Lake and West End of Piseco

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    Ron Rybicki

    Up Date for this past week end
    Pressure Ridge on Piseco Lake 1/2 way down the lake and it goes all the way across. My friend hit it and got tossed off his sled but he is OK.
    Trails around Piseco and Ox Bow are wooped all the way south to Stratford, Salisbury and Ohio. Some said the rocks have so many carbide scars that they might just get worn down a little. Its reported that Morehouse trails are the best until you get to Ohio. These southern towns only got 4 inches of snow this last Thursday where farther up north here we got about a foot. I’ll wait–my friends sleds look like bull dozers. Cant be doing the bearings that good.
    The Christmas tree burning this past Saturday was great. Best fire work show ever. Big thanks to Mike O. for getting them and a big thanks to all of the Pleasant Riders for putting it on and all the work involved. Two friends burned dogs of death and burgers all day for the crowd
    Mud holes have been pounded open but a good rider can get around most of them. Hopefully these last two cold nights might help to harden them back up but we need some more white stuff desperately. The boys have been shoveling them with straw and doing the best they can.
    PS There will be a spaghetti dinner with a bake sale at the Irondequoit Inn on Saturday, March 2 starts at 4 PM. $12.00 bucks per adult. Kids are 1/2 price. Its a fund raiser for the Wells basketball team where these kids up here have to go to school.
    All for now


    Evergreen trail & Mosq. Hill. Mosq. Hill groomed Mon. and 8″ + of ice on pond at base of the hill. Stay between the stakes. Evergreen trail done on Tues.

    Ron Rybicki

    Thanks icicleal
    With Ohio and Salisbury closed and the mud holes reported by Spike around Spy Lake I doubt that we are even coming up. We have to take a sled to get into camp and with the rain mixed with wet snow predicted we have done that to many times in the past and do not feel like doing it any more. I dont know how the snow is on the mad tom trail north of Haskells but if you can drag to the county line I dont understand why Ohio cant do this section. I think I know why and that is, if they cant ride in their nice heated cab groomers they will not do it. If I were Haskells I would say something about this.
    Any way
    We will be up the following week end for the Spaghetti Dinner at the Irondequiot Inn on Saturday March 2. My niece Jen runs the joint now and her son plays basketball for wells high School. Maybe see you there. Its a fund raiser for the kids.

    Ron Rybicki

    We did not even bother to go up to camp this past week end, but did talk to a friend who in desperation trailered to the west end of the Powley Rd. (Stratford end ) He said it was great and made several runs up and down it. He said there were 10 trailers parked there but never saw another sled on the road. They must have crossed Rt 10 and plowed thru the mud holes to get to the OxBow Inn. He took the trail S88 thru Sheriff Lake towards Piseco and was prepared to turn around but said it was not that bad and did not have to plow thru any mud just negotiate around rocks. Then he went west on Evergreen which was 80 mph and took the G Lake Rd up to the lake and put his tracks all over it. He said Morehouse had groomed and it was good. They’re trails are always good. This like Darin might be his last ride so he made the most of it.
    I cant believe that this year might go down in history that I did not get any riding in. Like Darin said. Hope for a miracle cause we are now into March and that ole sun is getting higher in the sky and the ground is warming up. Its going to be in the fiftys this coming week end and I know the little unbridged cricks will be opening up. I’ll be talking to a lot of people this week end so I’ll get reports from those desperate riders who in my opinion dont mind bending up a little metal on they’re sleds just for a ride. All for now.

    E. Emil

    Rode from the Salt Barn parking lot down Powley on Sunday. Wasn’t bad but definitely not great. Does not look like they’d been grooming. Only a handful of spots with dirt showing – overall, good coverage. Probably the last ride this year.

    BTW, the trail out the back of the salt barn parking lot wasn’t bad. A real goat path but no danger of sinking any sleds like before. Just need to go slow.

    Ron Rybicki

    Evergreen was froze solid on the last day of huntin season ( Dec. 8 ) but the trail to it from Piseco around the trailer park had some serious mud holes to plow thru. Probably would say the same for S88 thru Sherifff Lake to the Powley Rd. They should be burning up the Powley Rd. but cant say for sure. Will keep you posted.


    I’ve been to the Upper Morehouse / Arietta turn around and it was passable last Tues. but that was before the rain and thaw. We cut C4 out in late Sept. and it’s good to the sign in box . There are some reroutes down past Erb rd. New land owners and we need to take it easy through there. Should have signs up. Now the 800lb gorilla. Mosq Hill. Water at Bochen Lk, Hurrell Vly and a lake below the hill and still blowdowns between Hurrell and Mosq. Hill. Everything is on hold now, will keep u posted. Does any know if Hamilton County has a trail coordinator? Merry Christmas to all

    Ron Rybicki

    Each town has their own trail coordinator and the Hamilton County director to NYSSA is Jim Olsen ( )
    Have you heard or know if Ohio ever got C4C from mosquito hill to the buck point lodge cut out this season yet. I know Matt K. (Ohio Club Pres: ) took a side by side from buck point to Jerseyfield Lake RD. and cut out C4 early this past spring but this was before the mess I assume from the tornado. This was after I turned them in to Bob Korsec NYSSA Trail Coordinator and sent him pictures of the mess of blow down that was’nt cut out for 2 years. I suggested that this trail be given to Salisbury as they have the man power and are willing to maintain over half of the trail, being in the town of Salisbury all the way to Cranbury Lake Next call goes to the Parks & Rec new snowmobile coordinator to either close and defund it or give it to Salisbury Club.

    Ron Rybicki

    Rode Evergreen this past Saturday and was flat. A little slush on the curve ( 3 inches ) Always right there and some years when we get feet of snow the slush get deep here. Cant figure out why.
    West end Of Piseco is a little tough getting off. I heard there is a 4 ft. vertical bank to jump up but the riders have cut the brush out a little to the right and its easier.

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