Indian Lake Trailside Townhouse

Darin’s real last ride for 2023

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  • #22859
    Ron Rybicki

    Just read your last ride thru Perkins. Amazing how much is left and most of it passable at this late date, My wife and I rode on April 26, 1991 to the Bare Path Inn but avoided Evergreen and took C4 thru Sheriff Lake. We met several riders that day and were on good snow all the way. Trails here are all in the woods.
    Probably wont ever see that happening again as it seems we get less snow now and it goes sooner. Now a days we are lucky to get into the middle of March it seems. Climate change is certainly changing our early starts and late rides. We walked into our camp on Sunday the 2nd and were surprized that there is still up to 2 ft of snow in the woods but the little creeks are running under it and it wont be long.
    Any way Buddy. Hope to see you around town and just maybe we will see Bob Carr of Drag get another fund raiser event going this year like he had a few years back.
    PS I was talking to the DEC Natural Resource Manager ( Cris Alberga) for Region 5 last week. The environmentalists are back in court over the DEC rebuilding and fixing trails in the Forest Preserve. As a result the DEC is rewriting their work plans to accommodate their beefs so no work to make our tails safe for snowmobiliers will take place till the commissioner and all concerned are satisfied. I laid into him to emphasize that all we are asking for is to be able to pass one another and avoid dangerous rocks, creeks and the many hazards we have to now encounter on a lot of these trails we are now riding. Just like the back packers have on their trails in wilderness areas like the high peaks. Every little mud hole has a bridge over it so they dont get their sneakers muddy. He agreed on this, but these said that these greenies are stronger now that they won in court already and just will not give up pushing for our trails to have the same character as a foot trail.
    See you around town


    My latest ride into Perkins was April 21, 2007. Didn’t have much snow all winter until Valentine’s Day storm, then we had several snowstorms March into mid-April.

    Also rode from Indian Lake out to Lake Durant that day after I got done with Perkins. Didn’t ride the lakes though. I trailered to Perkins, then back to town.

    With the obstructionists on the warpath over the past couple of decades, I’m honestly surprised we have any snowmobiling available to us in the Adirondacks. At age 50, I’ve got fewer rides ahead of me than behind me. At this point, I can only enjoy what we have for as long as I can.

    Once the obstructionists get their way and all our snowmobile trails are no better than foot trails, I’m outta here….


    Ron Rybicki

    This is just what these tree huggers want. No snowmobiles, No year round residents. They want a total wilderness park, like Yellowstone or yosemite. Here’s another one for you. The dream for the 21st century by the Adirondack Council wants the state to buy and remove all the houses along the old Piseco Road in the town of Arietta and Mountain Home Road in the town of Morehouse and the wilderness boundary out to NYS RT 8. They only want people to visit the Adirondack Park. And they will not be happy till this happens.


    Thankfully, most dreams don’t come true, lol!


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