Indian Lake Trailside Townhouse

C4 through Thurman Connection

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  • #18632
    Trail Ryder

    Does anyone know if the C4 bridge over Cotter Brook has been repaired?

    E. Emil

    I took my kids back in there in the summer of 2020 and cleared brush on the Griffin connector from Route 8 (at Teachout Road) over to the Sugarbush Trail. We fixed up a couple of the small bridges along the way, built a couple of swamp crossings, but didn’t get to go further down toward Cotter Creek. The Georgia Creek bridge was definitely gone at that point – clearly missing on air photos. My recollection is that the trail was slated to be abandoned under the Corridor Trail plan and not much effort was being put into maintenance. However, with that plan now crapped on by the high court, hopefully some funds can be spent rebuilding those bridges.

    I can’t tell if the Thurman Connection snowmobile club is still active – a couple of trail postings early last winter but nothing new on their web site. I’ve had some good rides starting out from Route 8 at Teachout Road – its definitely a great place to ride, but not alone – very easy to bury a sled back there and lots of rocks/boulders in the Griffin Connector section. Last year, Wells was grooming C4 all the way down to the gorge, but nothing south of Route 8. In fact, I can’t think I’ve ever seen the Griffin Connector groomed. Which is nice – not a lot of people will venture down there absent grooming.

    Trail Ryder

    OK, thanks. Per the NYSSA online map, it now looks like C4 now “dead ends” at Cotter Brooks, so it’s a trail to nowhere on both ends. And to head West, one must now take S43 past Wilcox Lake.

    This season, we were hoping to ride from Lake Ontario (Sandy Pond) to Lake George but it looks their is no way to cross the Hudson River.


    i did this ride 2 yrs ago from my camp in thurman, you have to go down to harrisburg lake, take trail towards wilcox lake , left towards wells and lake algonquin. sorry i don’t have trail #’s. its very tight and you should have someone to do it with. reverse trail sequence if coming from speculator. once you get to thurman you would have to take tracks to thurman station , cross bridge over hudson river and up over hickory ski center to south warren trails. they have said they are trying to get that connection open for this yr. also connector trail to north warren is a possible this yr ! also must have enough snow to cover rails on tracks that opened back up this yr in Thurman. I did that ride back a few yrs ago, from brant lake to south warren to thurman and to wells. pray for snow !

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