Ohio Tavern and Restaurant



Indian Lake to Speculator: Ride 1/30/20

After yesterday’s 190+ mile ride to Brantingham and back, I didn’t get back into the game until about noon. My lateness to the party had given the groomers a chance to make their rounds. Here is what it looked like when I departed the compound: A few goobers got on my case when I posted […]

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Indian Lake to Speculator and Wells: Ride 1/24/20

1/26/20 – 8AM UPDATE: Well… Ended up with 4 inches of wet cement mix at the ilsnow storm center in Indian Lake! Always nice to get the unexpected bounce every now and again. ? 1/24/20 Report When I woke up this morning, I wasn’t sure whether I’d bother riding. But by 11:30am, I was about to […]

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Ride to Speculator & Wells: Update 3/12/19

The day started snowy and C8/Sabael trail was a nice pathway out of town. Indian Lake and Lewey Lake were windswept crossings and the Campsites were the usual brutal trek. Two Miles from Hell was a good ride down to Perkins Clearing. And the groomers were out there bulldozing the bumps and laying down the […]

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Ride Day! Update 2/20/19

Wasn’t sure where I was gonna head today. So I just started up my sled this morning and hoped the groomers were able to put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. Around Indian Lake, the groomers did get out and it looked really good: Since I hadn’t been to points south for much of the winter, I […]

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Opening Weekend! Update 12/6/2018

The first weekend of our 2018-19 Snowmobiling Season is almost here!  And we got some new snow to freshen things up, about a couple of inches here in Indian Lake. Probably at least several inches out in Moose River Plains.  At the moment, snow pack is 8-16 inches throughout the central Adirondacks, with the snow […]

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