Snowmobiling Conditions: Update 2/19/13
I had to run by Speculator today, so I got some “drive-by” stuff for you: Indian Lake and Lewey Lake looked like really nice riding. 2 Miles from Hell was freshly groomed midday: The south end (near Perkins Clearing) was especially nice. The north end (near Lewey Lake) had some spots scuffed down to dirt […]
Snowmobiling Conditions: Update 2/17/13
As expected, the extremely heavy holiday traffic has taken its toll on the trails. Anything I could see from the road late this afternoon was loaded with small bumps with snirty granular snow. In other words: The snow is tired! While picking up dinner in town, I ran into Charlie Clark and his wife from […]
Ride Video: Weekend of February 9-10, 2013
I finally got this video up. Looks like I might have to open an ilsnow satellite office at the Town Library to use their T1 high speed line for uploading. My past two uploads have failed from home. [vsw id=”2ECVY6m7vjk” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] There’s a lot of stuff here, including: An all-time cheezy 1980s […]
Indian Lake to Speculator: Snowmobiling Ride Report 2/9/13
After looking like a frozen desert for the past week and a half, the fresh 8 inches of new snow brought snowmobiling back to life! The village trails benefited greatly from the new snow and the groomers had been out on the morning. Trail base is sufficient but not thick. Every once in a while, […]
Snowmobiling Conditions for 1/31/13 with Weekend Outlook
We survived the Thaw! Rainfall Wednesday afternoon and night was generally in the 1.00-1.50 inch range, which was not as bad as some of the dire predictions. But the rain, combined with temperatures reaching 50*F did its fair share of damage. The typical low lying swampy and wet areas are a mess now. Lakes had […]