Alicia C. Miller Real Estate


3/15/13 Snowmobile Ride Video: Indian Lake to Speculator

[vsw id=”KBNDuUUQYgQ” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] Start to 0:38 – C8/Bear Trap Swamp 0:38 to 1:34 – C8/Sabael Trail 1:34 to 1:52 – Indian Lake, early Friday afternoon (There is much more snow on it now) 1:52 to 2:29 – C8/2 Miles from Hell 2:29 to 3:48 – S82/Old Indian Lake Road 3:48 to 4:20 […]

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Indian Lake to Speculator: Ride Report 3/15/13

Update 3/16/13: Indian Lake/Speculator picked up 3-6 inches of white gold yesterday! I’m sure the back side of Perkins Clearing and Moose River Plains got over 6 inches. Winter ain’t dead yet, boys and girls! With the new inch of snow we got since it turned cold and the new white paint falling from the […]

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Snowmobile Conditions: Update 3/3/13

Time for another famous drive-by Route 30 report. My snow surveys revealed 18-26 inches of snow pack this afternoon along the Route 30 corridor between Indian Lake and Speculator. 2 Miles from Hell was in very rough and bumpy condition late Sunday afternoon. I saw dozens of snowmobiles bouncing up and down on that […]

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Snowmobiling Conditions: Update 2/27/13

To say the least, this has been an unusual storm. Snowfall reports in the Indian Lake/Speculator/Piseco corridor were mainly in the 6-8 inch range by 10PM this evening. That’s not the foot-plus that nearby western Warren County got, but it was much better than the light mixture of rain, sleet and snow that Old Forge, […]

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Snowmobiling Conditions: Update 2/22/13

Snow pack is 16-24 inches “in the woods” around Indian Lake and Speculator, with less on southerly exposures and village highway roadsides. The usual “snow-bowls” west of Route 30 hold over 2 feet of snow. The bigger lakes are starting to get snow dunes from the strong winds we had this week, but the snow […]

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