Indian Lake Restaurant


Trail Report 12/29/13 & Outlook

As expected, the snow late Sunday into the evening was very heavy and wet. It mixed with rain for a while at the onset here at the storm center but I did end up with an inch-and-a-quarter of wet cement-like snow. Speculator/Morehouse area had much less rain mix and ended up with 3-4+ inches […]

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Trail Report 12/23/13

As feared, the weekend thaw took most of our snow away. There was still about 2-3 inches of snow on my lawn at the storm center this morning, but also some bald spots. Technically, this will be recorded as a “White Christmas” here in Indian Lake, but it’s an ugly mixture of white, green […]

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Trail Report 12/20/13

Despite temperatures above 32*F and some rain today, most of the trails have held up pretty well. Good rides were reported in Perkins Clearing and Moose River Plains enroute to Old Forge and Inlet. The Speculator area trails were getting thin in places, but still offering a good ride. Around Indian Lake village, I saw […]

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Trail Report 12/15/13

We got the got the goods from this storm, ranging from 8+ inches at Indian Lake to around a foot in Speculator. Total snow cover is a foot-plus around Indian Lake and Speculator and increases towards 18 inches to 2+ feet across Moose River Plains enroute to Inlet and Old Forge. As with most early […]

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Trail Report 12/10/13

Monday brought a general 1-3 inches of white paint to ilsnow land. It’s not enough to kick things off, but the north end of Perkins Clearing Road had a thick icy base to it when I passed by on Saturday to watch the Oak Mountain Hill Climbs in Speculator. It wouldn’t take a tremendous snow […]

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