Indian Lake to Speculator and Wells: Update 1/20/15
T’was a beautiful start to the day. Temperature was 6 degrees under a sunny sky. Snow pack ranged from about 6 inches in the exposed areas to a foot-plus “in the woods.” I love the Adirondacks all year, but winter is magic for me! From the moment I started today’s ride, I was feeling the […]
Speculator to Indian Lake: Update 1/13/15
Mrs ilsnow.com drove me down to the Lemon Tree this afternoon so I could ride the XP home after its pre-season maintenance. The Speculator Village trails were a bit bony and worn from the weekend, but not too bad. LP3 from the village to Oak Mountain had some bumps as well. C4/Melody Lodge was bony and […]
Indian Lake Ride Report: Update 1/12/15
I picked up nearly 3 inches of snow Monday at Indian Lake. Further south did better with 4-6 inches from Speculator/Wells over to Morehouse. Snow pack is around 8-12 inches at Indian Lake and is probably over a foot heading out into Moose River Plains. Took a spin around the Indian Lake village trails. They […]
The Weekend Update! 1/8/15
January 9th, 8AM Update: 2-3 inches of snow last night into this morning, still snowing lightly… Base line condition this week was 6-9 inch crusty snow pack in the woods with a 1-2 inch skiff of powder on top. That’s sub-par for mid January, but it’s better than looking at green grass. Bitterly cold air […]
Live from Outer Mongolia! Update 1/5/15
Saturday night, we got 2-3 inches of snow/sleet mash caked with ice. Then temperatures shot into the 40s on Sunday, but thankfully not much rain with that. The whole thing settled into about an inch or two of slushy mess. Then everything froze solid last night as temperatures plunged into the teens. For good measure, […]