Indian Lake Trailside Townhouse


Spring Fling III: Ride 3/23/17

Temperatures barely reaching above 10*F on Wednesday made it tough for even the March sun to soften the trails up, so I sat home. On Thursday, with temperatures on their way to around 30*F, I let the sun be my friend to loosen things up a bit before hitting the trail Thursday afternoon. Indian Lake […]

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Spring Fling II, Getting worse: Update 3/21/17

Darrin Jr and I launched in Speculator today. Snow conditions started soft, which eased any bumps. Here is a summary of the conditions encountered: Perkins Clearing: Great riding for the most part. Southerly exposures on Mud Lake Road showing some dirt. Carpenter Hill Road was mind blowing! Big Brook: Pretty good ride, just a few […]

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110 miles on a Thursday afternoon: Ride to Speculator & Wells

After getting home from the Skillet concert at 1am Thursday morning and with the trails being frozen ice/hard pack, I wasn’t thinking of going out on the snowmobile today. But the coastal-nor’ester nudged up just enough to kiss Indian Lake in the cheek with a fresh inch-and-a-half of snow and I just had to get out […]

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Speculator to Salisbury: Ride 2/2/17

Father & Son Day I didn’t make it to Salisbury last week. But this time I would make it and took Darrin Jr with me. We dropped off in Speculator this morning and picked up a rental to go along for the ride. I’m always curious about different sleds, so I chose this Yamaha missile from […]

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Indian Lake & Speculator, Twice! Update 2/1/17

Some friends needed a mental health day so they decided to rent a snowmobile from Village Motorsports and ride up to Indian Lake. I was more than happy to take a run down to Speculator to meet up then show them my neck of the woods. You just know the day is gonna be alright when it starts […]

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