Ohio Tavern and Restaurant

Speculator Tree Farm

Sunday Afternoon Stroll: Ride 2/18/18

Presidents’ Weekend is probably one of the last times you’d expect to see me out snowmobiling. But sometimes you get flushed out of the pocket and have to make a play that you weren’t planning on. The upcoming weather this week flushed me out of my pocket. So, after work I took a run down […]

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Wednesday Afternoon Stroll: Update 2/14/18

I couldn’t get out to ride until mid-Wednesday afternoon. But that certainly was not the end of the world for me. It gave the February sun a chance to soften up the trail surface to keep the slides and heat-exchangers happy. And it doesn’t get really dark until after 6pm now. First order of business […]

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Accidental Mega-miler: Update 1/18/18

UPDATE 1/19/18: Just got word that Pleasant Riders was able to work on the Fish Mountain trail in Lake Pleasant last night between the grave yard and Oxbow Lake, which was so brutal yesterday. Just remember to use extra caution when you pass through there. That section of trail sorely needs more snow. Report 1/18/18 I […]

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Touchdown, Speculator! Update 1/2/18

Day off meant riding. But after Sunday’s frozen tundra ride, I was going to wait until the temperature at least got to zero. Since the day started at -16*F, that was going to take a bit of time. So, I washed a huge stack of dishes to help pass the time. I’m sure my daughter […]

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To the edge of oblivion, but… Update 3/9/17

3/10/17 Update: An arctic front dropped an inch-plus of snow Friday evening, ready to be blown to smithereens.  3/9/17 Report Winter’s remnant snow pack took yet another hit this week. We didn’t get a ton of rain, but two days of mild temperatures and strong winds ate some more cover away. Around Indian Lake, snow […]

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