Adirondack Trail Motel

Speculator Tree Farm

Diehard Update: 4/2/2018

Update 4/7/18 With a fresh 5 inches of snow down, it’s looking like winter wonderland anew. Technically, trails and roads on State owned and managed lands are closed for snowmobiling now. If you DO decide to ride, be aware you’ll likely encounter large fallen trees from this week’s powerful wind storm. As per NYS DEC: […]

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Diehard Update 3/27/18

It’s that slow death time of year in ilsnow land when the late March sun just eats away at anything exposed. But it has been rain-free and temperatures have fallen well below freezing at night, so nothing has gotten washed away. Even the lakes have remained good riding. But that will change as we get […]

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March Madness! Ride 3/19/18

With an unexpected day off Monday and a beautiful March day underway, I wanted to get a ride in. Usually I don’t bother riding Mondays because the trails are thrashed from the weekend. So, I didn’t start first thing…but waited until mid-late morning to give the groomers a head start. I know that Newcomb trail […]

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Sunday Afternoon Stroll: Ride 2/18/18

Presidents’ Weekend is probably one of the last times you’d expect to see me out snowmobiling. But sometimes you get flushed out of the pocket and have to make a play that you weren’t planning on. The upcoming weather this week flushed me out of my pocket. So, after work I took a run down […]

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Wednesday Afternoon Stroll: Update 2/14/18

I couldn’t get out to ride until mid-Wednesday afternoon. But that certainly was not the end of the world for me. It gave the February sun a chance to soften up the trail surface to keep the slides and heat-exchangers happy. And it doesn’t get really dark until after 6pm now. First order of business […]

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