Adirondack Trail Motel

Snow cover

Snow Cover Update 11/9/12 & Weather Outlook

Snow cover comparison 2011/2012 for November 9th: The extent of Eurasian snow cover is somewhat less than the near-record expanse of last year. The biggest difference on OUR side of the Pole is the present healthy southern Canadian snow cover compared to last year at this time. When will the snow cover get here? Unfortunately, […]

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Update on Thursday’s possible storm and beyond

The dream is still alive for a possible early season significant snowfall across the Adirondacks, but it’s not in the bag yet. The potential storm is now showing on the shorter range NAM, with the players I talked about last week. This panel shows the blocking low offshore eastern Canada, the Great Lakes trough and […]

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Snow Cover Update 11/1/12 & Possible Snow Next Week

Snow cover is expanding over Canada much faster than it was last year: I did a quick comparison for November 1st Canadian snow cover during the past 15 years. The only years with similar or greater snow cover by November 1st were: 2002, 2003 and 2006. Each of the following winters had a least one […]

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