Perkins Clearing
One… More… Time! To Speculator and Wells.
3/14/22 Update Winter in the morning, spring by afternoon, bordering die-hard by evening. That was a mid-March Monday for ya! Did Indian Lake to Perkins Clearing, Speculator and Tree Farm. Won’t get into the blow-by-blow, but I can tell you this is probably my last run from the compound. Indian Lake main arteries were approaching […]
Snowmobiling season’s last gasp
We’re nearing time to close the books on another short and sub-par snowmobiling season. I hope you were able to get a reasonable amount of saddle time in. Before you know it, I’ll be wading through ankle deep mud, then swatting black flies. And don’t get me going on #summersucks! Saturday’s snow totals have reached […]
Back in business!
Friday brought the snow we SORELY needed to make ilsnow land look like winter again. The storm is winding down and Indian Lake has totaled 9 inches of snow. Overall snowpack ranges from several inches-plus in the exposed areas to 12-20 inches elsewhere. But this doesn’t mean it’s all white unicorns and roses. Enduring two […]
Need… Snow… Badly!
Tuesday brought 50*F temperatures and an inch of rain, as if we weren’t already hurting badly enough. Creeks are flowing once again! Snow pack took another significant hit. Exposed areas are thin, with bare areas. Shady areas still hold anywhere from a few inches to a foot-plus of remnant that will freeze hard as a […]
Damage assessment
Two inches of rain and a temperature cresting at 47*F in Indian Lake, NY Thursday night did what it’s supposed to do: Melt a ton of snow. Strong winds early Friday probably knocked down some trees. Remnant snow pack is thin in exposed areas and 6-18 inches elsewhere, which is freezing hard as a brick. […]