Mountain Market

Perkins Clearing

Snowmobiling Conditions for 1/31/13 with Weekend Outlook

We survived the Thaw! Rainfall Wednesday afternoon and night was generally in the 1.00-1.50 inch range, which was not as bad as some of the dire predictions. But the rain, combined with temperatures reaching 50*F did its fair share of damage. The typical low lying swampy and wet areas are a mess now. Lakes had […]

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Indian Lake to Speculator 1/29/13

After we got the half-foot of snow yesterday, I knew what had to be done: I would blow off work and take Darrin Jr out of school to go for a ride before we get hit full bore with the next Thaw! The snow really helped the Indian Lake village trails tremendously and the groomers […]

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Snowmobiling Conditions for 1/16/13

Most places picked up a dusting to an inch of snow today, just enough to whiten the grubby/icy snow pack. Just to let you know, we are not starting from Square One. There is still around a foot of remnant snow pack in the woods. The house was taken away by the Thaw but the […]

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Snowmobiling Conditions for 1/14/13

There is no doubt that Adirondack snowmobiling took a big hit this weekend. I hope you got to have some fun Saturday before the Thaw did the majority of its dirty work! We lost a lot of snow. I measured 16 inches of snow on my lawn Friday morning, now it’s down to 9 inches. […]

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Sunday Afternoon Stroll: Indian Lake Ride 1/6/13

Darrin Jr and I wanted a do a little ride this afternoon. So did little Miss, but she’s fighting a cold and had to stay home. For a Sunday afternoon, the inner village trails were not in that bad of shape. There were plenty of low, snirty shredder bumps. But that’s the stuff that […]

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