Perkins Clearing | - Part 35
Screamen Eagle

Perkins Clearing

Indian Lake to Speculator: Snowmobiling Ride Report 2/9/13

After looking like a frozen desert for the past week and a half, the fresh 8 inches of new snow brought snowmobiling back to life! The village trails benefited greatly from the new snow and the groomers had been out on the morning. Trail base is sufficient but not thick. Every once in a while, […]

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Snowmobiling Conditions: Update 2/3/13

I did some “drive-by” recon this afternoon. Overall, conditions are icy/marginal with about an inch of loose granular snow on top. Snow pack along the Route 30 corridor was mainly 8-16 inches, but the southerly exposed areas were burnt down to grass in places. Perkins Clearing Area: North end of Perkins Clearing Road was icy […]

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Snowmobiling Conditions for 1/31/13 with Weekend Outlook

We survived the Thaw! Rainfall Wednesday afternoon and night was generally in the 1.00-1.50 inch range, which was not as bad as some of the dire predictions. But the rain, combined with temperatures reaching 50*F did its fair share of damage. The typical low lying swampy and wet areas are a mess now. Lakes had […]

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Indian Lake to Speculator 1/29/13

After we got the half-foot of snow yesterday, I knew what had to be done: I would blow off work and take Darrin Jr out of school to go for a ride before we get hit full bore with the next Thaw! The snow really helped the Indian Lake village trails tremendously and the groomers […]

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Snowmobiling Conditions for 1/16/13

Most places picked up a dusting to an inch of snow today, just enough to whiten the grubby/icy snow pack. Just to let you know, we are not starting from Square One. There is still around a foot of remnant snow pack in the woods. The house was taken away by the Thaw but the […]

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