Perkins Clearing
Trail Report 12/20/13
Despite temperatures above 32*F and some rain today, most of the trails have held up pretty well. Good rides were reported in Perkins Clearing and Moose River Plains enroute to Old Forge and Inlet. The Speculator area trails were getting thin in places, but still offering a good ride. Around Indian Lake village, I saw […]
Trail Report 12/15/13
We got the got the goods from this storm, ranging from 8+ inches at Indian Lake to around a foot in Speculator. Total snow cover is a foot-plus around Indian Lake and Speculator and increases towards 18 inches to 2+ feet across Moose River Plains enroute to Inlet and Old Forge. As with most early […]
Trail Report 12/11/13
From NYS DEC 12/12/13: Gates are open and all designated snowmobile trails are open for use in the Moose River Plains except for a portion of the Seventh Lake Mountain Trail. Skiers and snowshoers on designated snowmobiles trails should keep to side to allow safe passage of snowmobiles. Snowmobiles should slow down when passing skiers […]
Diehard vs. The Fat Lady! Update 4/12/13
4/13/13 Update: Darrin Jr and I did an ultra die-hard ride Saturday afternoon. There was just enough sleet/slush on the town trails to pick our way through to some good stuff on the back side of Lake Adirondack (where 42nd&Broadway used to go). We were only out for about an hour, but it’s not very […]
Diehard Snowmobiling Outlook: Update 4/8/13
The end is quickly coming upon us. Snow pack is still in the 1-2+ foot range in the traditional “snow bowls” in central and southwestern Hamilton county. Snow cover is 6-12+ inches in the woods around the immediate Indian Lake and Speculator village areas. But large bare areas are opening up near roadsides, open fields […]