Perkins Clearing | - Part 33
Screamen Eagle

Perkins Clearing

Diehard Snowmobiling Outlook: Update 4/8/13

The end is quickly coming upon us. Snow pack is still in the 1-2+ foot range in the traditional “snow bowls” in central and southwestern Hamilton county. Snow cover is 6-12+ inches in the woods around the immediate Indian Lake and Speculator village areas. But large bare areas are opening up near roadsides, open fields […]

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Snowmobile Diehard Conditions: Update 4/1/13

We have lost a lot of snow in the past week, but an early spring cold snap has stopped the bleeding. Although snow cover has been burnt down to 6 inches or less (with dirt spots) in many exposed roadsides, hillsides and fields, there is still 1-2+ feet of remnant snow pack in the shady […]

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Diehardin’ Indian Lake to Perkins Clearing: Ride Report 3/30/13

Got a phone call from Cal this morning, saying that Matt and him were going into Deer Valley 11:30AM. They picked up me and the XP at the compound and trailered me over to Deer Valley. Very nice indeed! Road and parking lot was getting rather muddy, but we made it back into there with […]

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Indian Lake to Speculator: Ride Report 3/28/13

Spring break came early for Darrin Jr this week. I took the day off work to ride and took Junior with me. The Indian Lake village trails had been groomed this week, with conditions ranging from nearly smooth to soft low studders. Even through we haven’t had much sun this week, the southerly exposures were […]

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Indian Lake to Speculator: Ride Report 3/15/13

Update 3/16/13: Indian Lake/Speculator picked up 3-6 inches of white gold yesterday! I’m sure the back side of Perkins Clearing and Moose River Plains got over 6 inches. Winter ain’t dead yet, boys and girls! With the new inch of snow we got since it turned cold and the new white paint falling from the […]

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