Perkins Clearing
Snow Conditions: Update 3/28/15
UPDATE 3/28/15: We didn’t get a ton of rain this week, but the snow-cover in town took a serious hit this week. Around Indian Lake, the best bet would be to head straight to the usual die-hard hangouts and see what happens from there. Snow cover is better to the west of Speculator. I heard […]
Ride to Speculator & Wells: Update 2/17/15
When I got up at 7:30am and saw -16*F and a cloudy sky, my heart sunk. But, the sun broke out for a bit and the temperature crossed zero by 10:00am ride time on its way to an eventual high of 15*F. Including myself, 8 hearty riders showed up at the Benton Road parking lot for […]
Ride to Speculator/Wells: Update 2/11/15
Ahhh…the joys of mid-week riding! I knew it was going to be a good one today. Temperature started at -12*F this morning. I waited a bit until the temperature poked above zero, so I headed out around 9:30AM. The sun was out, I was warming up a bit and loving life. It was already a good […]
Indian Lake to Speculator: Update 1/28/15
Bright sunny day screamed RIDE! Who was I to deny that voice? As soon as I left the compound, I knew it was going to be a great day. The Indian Lake village trails had fresh groom marks all over the place. The groomer did a nice job of pulling some snow on the east end […]
Moose River Plains to Inlet and Old Forge: Update 1/22/15
John Foley from Speculator picked me up at the compound at 9:30am to make another trip to Old Forge. There were several trucks that had arrived at the Brown’s farm parking lot before us. But somehow we got out riding long before they did. 😉 The end of Cedar River Road from Brown’s farm to […]