Ohio Tavern and Restaurant

Pacific North American Oscillation

Just like last winter? Guess again! Update 2/21/13

I’ve got a lot to show you, so here it goes! The Arctic Oscillation (AO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Pacific North American Oscillation (PNA) are forecast to be favorable for cold, snowy weather around here into early March. You could say that’s the Triple Crown. This configuration certainly did NOT appear last winter: […]

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State of the Winter Address: Update 1/25/13

Let’s try a game called Guess Which Winter: Winter A (through January 25th): Significant snowfall around 8 inches just before Thanksgiving (Good for a lawn jockey ride!). Warm December with little snow. January also warm with nickel and dime snow events that constantly got negated by thaw and rain. But a couple of modest snows […]

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Winter has PLENTY left in the tank: Looking beyond the Thaw, Update 1/10/13

After last winter, more than a few people are panicked about the January Thaw. As I have pounded over and over, this is NOT last winter! Cooler air is expected to seep into the North Country on Monday. The models have been on again, off again with the possibility of a modest snow event on […]

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Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Update 12/11/12

I upset more than a few people with my recent outlook for December. Please understand: I’m just calling it as I see it. I don’t peddle false hope just to keep people happy. My job is get it right or go down in flames trying to get it right. Now that we got the stomach […]

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When will winter stand up and be counted? Update 12/3/12

Winter poked his head around here last week, but that seems like a distant memory now. What’s going on? This forecast panel for December 4th shows the problem that I have been talking about for the past week or so: The powerful Bering Sea Omega Ridge and Gulf of Alaska Vortex couplet remains cemented in […]

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