Pacific Decadal Oscillation |
Alicia C. Miller Real Estate

Pacific Decadal Oscillation


Got (a bit of) snow! More on the way?

We had some excitement on Sunday as Indian Lake fought and clawed its way to a fresh inch-plus of snow. All joking aside, it’s been the kind of winter when it’s considered a victory to score an inch of snow rather than an inch of rain. On top of that, we even bagged a sub-zero […]

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Will Winter be D.O.A. in the Adirondacks?

Each year, I’m asked what kind of winter we’ll have, even while we’re still basking in late summer heat and humidity. My answer? We need to see how weather patterns evolve through autumn before we can hazard a guess as to how winter may jump off the starting blocks. It is no secret that autumn […]

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Black Friday, White Snodeo?

November 2019 certainly wasn’t the second coming of last year’s November Snow-mageddon. But we did manage to have snow cover throughout the majority of the month with overall temperatures averaging 3-4 degrees below normal. Not bad for a month that usually drags on, and on, and on… Indian Lake even scored it’s first sub-zero morning […]

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The fun begins! Update 10/21/2018

Now that we’ve had some true autumn cold with our first snow flakes of the season, let’s look into what may be ahead for the winter. Before I dive into the long-range, I want to reiterate that I don’t believe seasonal weather forecasts are accurate enough to be useful for planning your snowmobiling vacations in […]

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My early thoughts for Winter 2015-16

The building El Niño is big news! I certainly don’t want to downplay it in regards to what might happen this winter. But there is another big player on the board: the warm phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO+) which has deepened the drought in the western United States and was largely responsible for our brutally […]

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