Owls Head
Easy button snowmobiling: Start at Tupper Lake
When I want an easy mileage ride and trail report, I truck it to Tupper Lake. Just have everything ready the night before, fire up the ilsnow mobile command center the next morning and unload at Washington Street parking lot within an hour of leaving Indian Lake. From Tupper Lake, I headed north on C7 […]
For a good time, I called 1-800-TUP-PER!
My mantra is “hit it when you get it because tomorrow ain’t promised.” Opportunity knocked on my door again Wednesday. The day started -1*F at the ilsnow storm center in Indian Lake. At the time I embarked on my ride at 9:45am in Tupper Lake, the temperature was a balmy 30*F on its way to […]
Crazy Cal’s Snowmobiling Day Off
Even better than Ferriss Bueller’s Day Off! Cal seized the opportunity for a mid-weeker. He wanted something easy and fun, which meant another road trip to Tupper Lake for Thursday. It’s the closest thing to an easy button that I know of. I never mind going back for more when it comes to riding up […]
Making tracks up north again!
I’ve been skunked enough times this winter. I wasn’t letting Tuesday’s opportunity go to waste. Trucking it up north has been my best strategy for logging miles and smiles in 2023. So, I trucked it to Washington Street parking lot in Tupper Lake for another run at it. We had a fresh dusting to an […]
Tupper Lake to Malone snowmobile ride
Last winter, I “discovered” snowmobile riding from Charlie’s Inn to Malone for myself. It has become my favorite road trip. With trails open and grooming in progress up there, I was itching to get there for a ride. But this time, I wanted to try it from Tupper Lake. That would cut at least an […]