Indian Lake Restaurant

Old Forge

Ride to Old Forge & Brantingham 2/12/14

When Matt, Cal and I got together to ride at 8AM this morning, it was still -20*F after a low of -24*F. Yeah, it was COLD! The Indian Lake village trails were fast and flat with about an inch of packed snow on top. The carbides and track lugs were just enough to break up […]

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Trail Report 1/7/14

As the evening wears on, it has become apparent the heavy lake effect band is not going settle into an Old Forge, Inlet, Moose River Plains axis. Instead, it will “snow itself out” somewhere near Stillwater Reservoir overnight. Got a report of a foot-and-a-half plus near Harrisville in the far northwestern corner of the Adirondacks. […]

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Trail Report 12/20/13

Despite temperatures above 32*F and some rain today, most of the trails have held up pretty well. Good rides were reported in Perkins Clearing and Moose River Plains enroute to Old Forge and Inlet. The Speculator area trails were getting thin in places, but still offering a good ride. Around Indian Lake village, I saw […]

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Indian Lake Ride Report 12/17/13

Update 12/18/13: Saw groomer ribbon tracks on Ski Hut trail, Swamp trail and C8 out toward Headquarters after I got back home this evening. The other trails: Little Canada, S84/Blue Mountain, S87/42nd and Broadway and Sabael trail were not groomed yet, but there’s always tomorrow. Time to ring the church bells, we’re grooming here in […]

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Trail Report 12/15/13

We got the got the goods from this storm, ranging from 8+ inches at Indian Lake to around a foot in Speculator. Total snow cover is a foot-plus around Indian Lake and Speculator and increases towards 18 inches to 2+ feet across Moose River Plains enroute to Inlet and Old Forge. As with most early […]

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