Blue Mountain Rest

Old Forge

Mega-Miler! Ride 2/16/17

Today was the day that I was going to stretch the 4-TEC for some big miles and justify its purchase. Mission accomplished, here’s the story: Headed out of the compound just after 7am. I actually wanted to get out before the groomers so I can romp on the half-foot of new snow! C8 out to […]

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Game Over…

The Fat Ole’ Lady is singing loud and clear! Temperatures well into the 60s Wednesday afternoon sent snowmelt into hyper-drive. Update 3/10/16: NYS DEC has closed all snowmobile trails and seasonal access roads on Forest Preserve, State Forest and Conservation Easement Lands in the Adirondacks. Towns of Webb & Inlet have closed their snowmobile trail […]

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Mega Miler: Update 2/25/15

When the grass was poking through the snow on Christmas day here, I was dreaming about this kind of ride. The kind of ride where the Adirondacks are pretty much my oyster. Crazy Cal blew off work today and invited me to join him. Wait…maybe it was my day off and I invited Cal to […]

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Indian Lake to Old Forge: Update 2/3/15

I didn’t make a deal with the devil or blow off work today. I live here and this happened to be my day off. Was going to start at the crack of dawn. Umm…minus 15*F changes that strategy pretty quick. So I waited until 9:40AM to get underway, to give the groomers a head start. […]

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Moose River Plains to Inlet and Old Forge: Update 1/22/15

John Foley from Speculator picked me up at the compound at 9:30am to make another trip to Old Forge. There were several trucks that had arrived at the Brown’s farm parking lot before us. But somehow we got out riding long before they did. 😉 The end of Cedar River Road from Brown’s farm to […]

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