After work stroll: Update 3/19/19
One thing to love about March: I can catch a really nice ride after work with a few hours of daylight remaining. It’s a fun time of year, but also fleeting because the increasingly high sun angle does its dirty work on the exposed areas and roadsides. When I saw this fresh groom down S86 […]
After work ride to Newcomb: Update 3/11/19
Crazy Cal and I hooked up for an after-work snowmobile ride up to Newcomb. To be honest, I wasn’t feeling all that optimistic about the prospect for a really good ride, on a Monday, before the groomers have had a chance to make multiple rounds after the weekend carnage. Heading out of town on S84/Blue […]
Update 2/4/19
Sunshine broke through the clouds and temperatures soared to near 50*F Monday afternoon. I thought that a snowmobile ride in spring-like warmth would be a nice change of pace from the near-zero cold I rode in last week. So I headed out for a spin after work. Aside from some wet/icy spots and a few […]
Get out and ride! Update 1/30/19
Latest storm dropped 8 inches in Indian Lake and many places reported a foot or more along the Route 8 Corridor in the southern flank of ilsnow land. Morning snow removal duties curtailed my riding, but I was sure to get out there for the afternoon. The ride started sunny, then the snow squalls rolled […]
Around the Long Lake Horn Again! Ride 1/18/19
When I headed out of Indian Lake toward Moose River Plains this morning, I didn’t plan on going back up to Long Lake. But that’s just how it worked out. Instead of doing a flowery story because today’s trail conditions will become meaningless after the weekend storm, I’ll just bullet point what I did: Indian […]