Ohio Tavern and Restaurant



Bluebird winter day! A day in Adirondack heaven

Wednesday started sub-zero crisp with deep blue sky. It would turn out to be a perfect day for snowmobiling under a blazing late winter sun. Met up with Crazy Cal at his house. Spent a few minutes deciding where we’d go. Lots of choices with the deep snow we have now. Ended up deciding on […]

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Snowmobiling Ribbon Monday! Indian Lake to Newcomb

Getting sick last week cut into my ride time. So, I decided on having Monday saddle time. Didn’t have any plan, other than rolling out from the compound and see where the day takes me. Whenever I see a fresh groom through Bear Trap Swamp, happy trails are ahead. Did a preemptive Victory Lap with […]

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Holiday Weekend Snowmobiling Outlook

Groomers are swirling around Indian Lake, NY in places. C8 to Cedar River Headquarters and C8A/Old S84 toward Blue Mountain Lake have been groomed. I’m assuming that Moose River Plains and C8A/Old 538 Newcomb trail have been groomed as well. C8/Sabael trail hadn’t been groomed as of Thursday afternoon. That trail will remain a rough […]

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My last ride of the season! (probably)

Had to grab it one more time before our grand mal meltdown rolls into town. Lake Durant toward Newcomb served me well last Friday. And I’m always one to keep going back to the well until it runs dry. Unloaded at Northville-Placid trailhead parking lot by 11am and headed out. The mile of S84 between […]

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Sunshine ride! Lake Durant toward Newcomb

I almost kept this ride “off-book” as Sgt. Voight says on Chicago P.D. In the end, I felt compelled to share with the ilsnow nation, because it was such a wonderful afternoon! After morning fog and drizzle lifted and sun broke through, I couldn’t stay inside and let the afternoon go without spinning track. Especially […]

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