Morehouse | - Part 3
Blue Mountain Rest


The Big One! 3/6/14

Matt, Cal and I have been talking about doing a “mega-ride” over to Tug Hill and back for a couple of years. Yesterday was the fulfillment of that dream. 🙂 We started our ride at 7:30am with a temperature near -18*F. Yeah, we like to start our rides COLD! The Indian Lake village trails were […]

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Trail Report 12/29/13 & Outlook

As expected, the snow late Sunday into the evening was very heavy and wet. It mixed with rain for a while at the onset here at the storm center but I did end up with an inch-and-a-quarter of wet cement-like snow. Speculator/Morehouse area had much less rain mix and ended up with 3-4+ inches […]

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Snowmobiling Ride Video: Piseco to Ohio 3/21/13

Snowmobiling Ride Video: [vsw id=”X98zL7zz2wM” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] Start to 0:54 – Piseco Lake 0:54 to 3:26  – C4A/C4 Morehouse At 2:46 – Watch for the oxen! At 3:20 – “Harryville” 3:26 to 4:14 –  S46 to Nobleboro 4:14 to End – C4/Lower Ohio enroute to Norway If you find my posts valuable, please […]

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Big Fly! Indian Lake, Speculator, Piseco, Morehouse, Ohio, Salisbury Loop 3/21/13

With my XP on the disabled list for half of February, I missed out on some big rides. But our second winter has given me the opportunity for a high mileage ride and I decided to enlist Rich (GSX800) as my wing man. Indian Lake Village trails and the Sabael trail were in sweet shape […]

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