Ohio Tavern and Restaurant

Little Blue Mountain


One more ride! Horseshoe Lake to Star Lake

Had one more quarter in my pocket to play before Wednesday’s hurt rolls in. I had ridden into St. Lawrence County only twice this winter. If this was to be my last opportunity until next winter, I wanted to hit it! Darrin Jr and his work buddy Jim joined me for Tuesday’s ride. We met […]

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Roll Childwold, Roll!

Have trailer, will travel… It’s been that kind of winter for me. Another trip up north was in order for Tuesday. This time, I trucked it to Horseshoe Lake on the horrible “road” called NYS Route 421. Thankfully, the snowmobiling was well worth enduring 6 miles of frost heaved pavement to reach the trailhead. Here’s […]

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On the road again! Snowmobiling St. Lawrence County

Wednesday was yet another road trip for me. This time, I hit one of my favorite places to ride outside of ilsnow land. Didn’t have any wing men for this one. It was a solo venture. You know I never have a problem with flying alone. I trucked it to Seveys Point, with ample parking, […]

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Operation St. Lawrence County

I think Crazy Cal was anticipating this ride even more than I was! But I was certainly more than eager for the trailer ride up pot-holed and frost-heaved Route 421 to Horseshoe Lake parking lot in pursuit of a great day. There was good fresh snow cover to give the total mid-winter luster under a […]

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little blue

Sabattis to Childwold and Cranberry Lake: Ride 2/28/19

Crazy Cal wanted to ride the Cranberry Lake area, so we loaded up the sleds and took them up to Sabattis, where we started Thursday’s trip. C7/Railroad was rough with moguls. The sun was bright and the sky was deep blue. I wish I had stopped to take a picture of the breathtaking winter scenery […]

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