Blue Mountain Rest

Lewey Lake


Roll to Speculator

Another late morning start for Thursday’s ride. Needed to remove the 3 inches of glop built up on sections of my driveway and Mom’s driveway that I had neglected all week (because I’ve been riding) before it hardens up Thursday night and becomes nearly impossible to move before the next snow. Just before noon, I […]

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Sunday vulture ride into Speculator

When riding Sundays, I’m picking at the scraps left behind by the weekend warriors on their way out of town. Saturday was a lazy day for me. And truth be told, I felt tired, worn out and didn’t feel like going snowmobile riding. But I needed to get outside to shake off the doldrums. Heading […]

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Indian Lake Day

Tuesday started at -13*F, so I decided to wait until late morning to head out. It was one of those sunny winter days that make you want to be outdoors, once the temperature got above zero. Wasn’t in the mood for a big miler. Just wanted to have fun locally. I figured that horsing around […]

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Sunday snowmobiling stroll

Normally, I wouldn’t even take a flyer on weekend snowmobile riding. But desperate times call for desperate measures, especially since I’m pushing toward the end of January with only 26 miles spun off for the entire winter. It was time to pick myself off the mat and get moving. After all, I’ve got all summer […]

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Touchdown, Speculator! Ride 1/21/21

After the S84 beatdown to cap off Wednesday’s 218 miler, my goal today was simply to get out of bed and ride my snowmobile for ANY distance at all. Speculator was the one direction I hadn’t ridden this year, so I wanted to give that a shot. My back and shoulders were in pain with […]

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