Blue Mountain Rest

Lake Pleasant


Roll to Speculator

Another late morning start for Thursday’s ride. Needed to remove the 3 inches of glop built up on sections of my driveway and Mom’s driveway that I had neglected all week (because I’ve been riding) before it hardens up Thursday night and becomes nearly impossible to move before the next snow. Just before noon, I […]

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Indian Lake Ride Report 3/8/18

Update 3/10/18 Indian Lake Parks and Rec grooming C8 out to Headquarters and Moose River Plains and S84 out to Blue Mountain Lake. C8/Sabael trail is a lost cause for grooming through the swamp.  Snowarriors have groomed 538/Newcomb trail up to the Essex County Line turnaround.  Ride Report 3/8/18 Wednesday evening, I went to bed […]

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Why you SHOULD join DRAG of Speculator

Dedicated Residents to Area Grooming (DRAG) of Speculator was created in 2004 by Bob Carr and Rick Swift to help the Town of Lake Pleasant maintain the village trails. Like any other start-up, DRAG started with old, small pieces of grooming equipment. Through paid sponsorships and donations, DRAG has been able to upgrade their grooming […]

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