Blue Mountain Rest

Indian Lake

Indian Lake Ride Report 3/8/18

Update 3/10/18 Indian Lake Parks and Rec grooming C8 out to Headquarters and Moose River Plains and S84 out to Blue Mountain Lake. C8/Sabael trail is a lost cause for grooming through the swamp.  Snowarriors have groomed 538/Newcomb trail up to the Essex County Line turnaround.  Ride Report 3/8/18 Wednesday evening, I went to bed […]

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A Little Adventure: Ride 3/4/18

Update 3/8/18 Indian Lake hunted, pecked and clawed our way to 4 inches of fresh snow as of Thursday morning.  Best ride would be to trailer to Browns Farm at the end of Cedar River Road thence ride into Moose River Plains and Inlet/Old Forge from there…that has been groomed this week. Perkins Clearing also […]

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Back on the Saddle! Update 3/2/18

Indian Lake ended up with 5 inches of new snow while the Speculator/Route 8 corridor did a bit better with 6-8 inches. It was a bit frustrating to see places well to our south get multiple feet of snow, but I knew that was coming anyway. We had our biggie in the middle of March last […]

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Sunday Afternoon Stroll: Ride 2/18/18

Presidents’ Weekend is probably one of the last times you’d expect to see me out snowmobiling. But sometimes you get flushed out of the pocket and have to make a play that you weren’t planning on. The upcoming weather this week flushed me out of my pocket. So, after work I took a run down […]

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Wednesday Afternoon Stroll: Update 2/14/18

I couldn’t get out to ride until mid-Wednesday afternoon. But that certainly was not the end of the world for me. It gave the February sun a chance to soften up the trail surface to keep the slides and heat-exchangers happy. And it doesn’t get really dark until after 6pm now. First order of business […]

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