Indian Lake
Something different
When I get to the Back 9 of Winter, I try to hit places I hadn’t hit all winter or even many years. So my plan for Wednesday’s ride was to get down to Powley Road, then hit C8/Clockmill Corners trail and ride that into Stratford. Leaving Indian Lake… The groomers were headed out of […]
Sunshine ride
Mild-ish temperatures over the weekend into Monday morning didn’t help our cause. But it came with very little rain, so not much damage done to the trails. Unfortunately, snow squalls Monday night didn’t leave more than a dusting as everything froze brick hard. But the sun was bright and I wanted to give it the […]
Two Way Recon: Ride 2/3/21
I was sure to take advantage of the several inches of new snow we picked up Monday night into Tuesday. This looked like a bad omen as I departed the compound to start my ride: Saw fresh groomer tracks on C8 heading toward Cedar River Headquarters although I didn’t go that way. To Newcomb and […]
Wells Run!
I visited my neighbors to the north on Tuesday, so I figured it was time to make a trek southward on Wednesday. Heading out of town, C8/Sabael trail was a decent ride. The water bars and mud holes have been frozen and covered. The Indian Lake Snowarriors have placed solar beacons on Indian Lake at […]