Mountain Market

Horseshoe Lake


Horseshoe Lake into St. Lawrence County: AGAIN!

If something’s great, I’ll hit it over and over again! That’s how I roll. Was up to Route 421/Horseshoe Lake parking lot and ready to rip by 10am. Nobody else was parked there. I was set to go! Temperature was already up to 20*F when I embarked on today’s snowmobiling. Felt downright balmy after this […]

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Horseshoe Lake into St. Lawrence County

One of my favorite road trips got the call on Saturday for a rare weekend ride! (for me) I met up with Damion in Indian Lake this morning just before 9am and headed up. Route 421 to Horseshoe Lake sucked, but frost heaves and potholes weren’t as extreme as I’ve seen them. Small win there! […]

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Roll Childwold, Roll!

Have trailer, will travel… It’s been that kind of winter for me. Another trip up north was in order for Tuesday. This time, I trucked it to Horseshoe Lake on the horrible “road” called NYS Route 421. Thankfully, the snowmobiling was well worth enduring 6 miles of frost heaved pavement to reach the trailhead. Here’s […]

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AWESOME New Year’s Ride 2013: Cranberry Lake!

When Damion called home yesterday and asked if I would like to ride Cranberry Lake with a bunch of his friends from work, the only acceptable answer starts with a “Y” and ends with an “S” and rhymes with “guess.” Needless to say, I jumped on that bandwagon quickly! So Damion, Tyler, Mike, Nick and […]

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