Indian Lake Trailside Townhouse

Eurasian Snow cover

Winter in trouble, already? Update 11/30/15

We didn’t have snow on the ground for Thanksgiving and some people think winter is dead before it started. The problem with that line of thinking? How much snow we get in November has little consequence in regards to how the winter turns out. To get the true scope of what’s going on, we must step back […]

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2013-14 Winter Outlook

I’ve been stringing along the Winter Outlook for a while. So it’s time for me to put up or shut up. First, let me get the disclaimer out of the way: This outlook is a general idea of what I think this winter might do. It is impossible to predict individual storms, cold surges and […]

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Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Update 12/11/12

I upset more than a few people with my recent outlook for December. Please understand: I’m just calling it as I see it. I don’t peddle false hope just to keep people happy. My job is get it right or go down in flames trying to get it right. Now that we got the stomach […]

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