Indian Lake Trailside Townhouse


little blue

Sabattis to Childwold and Cranberry Lake: Ride 2/28/19

Crazy Cal wanted to ride the Cranberry Lake area, so we loaded up the sleds and took them up to Sabattis, where we started Thursday’s trip. C7/Railroad was rough with moguls. The sun was bright and the sky was deep blue. I wish I had stopped to take a picture of the breathtaking winter scenery […]

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Childwold & Cranberry Lake: Ride 2/15/18

Update 2/18/18 There was decent snowmobile traffic around Indian Lake village on Saturday and I saw the groomer making a pass in town Saturday afternoon. Then we got a fresh 2 inches of snow Saturday Night. Asking for trail conditions of individual trails is the wrong question. Just get up here and ride either Sunday […]

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