Screamen Eagle


Weather Outlook for Opening Week of Snowmobiling Season

News of the upcoming thaw have people nervous. I’m here to tell you that it’s a mere bump in the road on our way to Opening Week and the Old Forge Snodeo. We’ve had an up and down temperature pattern through November and that is likely to continue well into December. But the cold surges […]

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Adirondack Snowfall Primer

The Adirondacks are well known for their abundant snowfall. Although the occasional Nor’easter gets most of the press, elevated terrain and proximity to the Great Lakes are important contributors to Adirondack snowfall. Starting in November and continuing into the winter, modest low pressure systems pick up moisture from the Great Lakes and deposit the snowfall […]

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Pre-Thanksgiving Storm?

The Arctic Oscillation is starting to shift and I believe that may lead to our first widespread significant snowfall of the early winter season by the middle of next week. Before we get into any talk about big snow, there is a major cold blast to talk about for Sunday the 24th. This is an […]

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Early Adirondack Outlook for Winter 2013-14

The start of August is usually way too early for me to seriously start looking into what kind of winter we might have. But there are a couple of strong signatures in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans that have grabbed my attention. Why are ocean temperature patterns so important? Water has high specific heat when […]

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My letter to Governor Cuomo

Dear Governor Cuomo: Re: Chain Lakes and Indian River Tracts In regards to the former Finch & Pruyn land recently acquired by the State of New York, I ask you to keep your word given at your press conference August 5, 2012 when you signed that large check: โ€œAdding these properties to the Forest Preserve […]

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