Screamen Eagle



Got Snow! Update 11/27/18

I woke up to 9 inches of new snow at the ilsnow storm center Tuesday morning and you can see what it looked like outside my window in the above picture. There was a TON of snow on the trees. Blue Mountain Lake had around a foot from the storm. Snow pack throughout ilsnow land […]

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Got snow! Update 1/24/17

Last night’s forecast was tough as nails! I was calling for a decent amount of snow in ilsnow land, knowing that it could bust right in my face. I woke up at 5am to find nothing but a half-inch crust of ice on everything! Needless to say, I got a big pit in my stomach. […]

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Midweek Snowmobiling Outlook: Update 12/20/16

Update 12/22/16 AM: Nice start to the day! Picked up 2.5 inches of snow. This will freshen things nicely to hit places like Moose River Plains, Perkins Clearing, Speculator Tree Farm, Powley Road, etc. The narrow woods trails are ride-able” but you need to proceed with care. Sunday’s thaw did not wipe us out, leaving […]

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Wait! Snowmobiling Season Not Underway Yet: Update 11/21/16

Our early season snowstorm is winding down, with pretty much the results I had expected. Indian Lake got about 6-8 inches of snow. Amounts increased to a foot or more across Moose River Plains into the Western Adirondacks, thence upwards of 18 to 2+ feet in the northwestern Adirondacks. This modeled snow depth chart isn’t […]

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Action Needed! Essex Chain Lakes

New York State DEC is taking public comments on recreation plans for the Essex Chain Lakes Complex Draft Unit Management Plan until July 18th July 25th. It’s summer, but we can’t fall asleep on this one. Read up and get ready to take ACTION! Update 7/17/14: DEC has extended the commentary period for the Essex […]

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