Screamen Eagle

Ride to Speculator/Wells: Update 2/11/15

Ahhh…the joys of mid-week riding! I knew it was going to be a good one today. Temperature started at -12*F this morning. I waited a bit until the temperature poked above zero, so I headed out around 9:30AM. The sun was out, I was warming up a bit and loving life. It was already a good […]

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ilsnow storm center 2/10/15

It’s been a while since I came out with a video. Lots of rumors about big snows the next 3-5 days, but the pattern looks much more impressive for the cold! But, the snows we do get will continue to add up. As always, you can keep with with my daily forecasts at If […]

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Vulture Ride: Update 2/8/15

Update 2/9/15: It took the better part of three days, but Indian Lake picked up around 9 inches of snow while Speculator/Route 8 area picked up a bit over a foot. Total snow pack is a robust 18-30 inches. The snow bowls in southwestern Hamilton County may hold over 3 feet of snow! Ride Report […]

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Snocade 2015

It’s that time of year again! Beginning February 13 with with Indian Lake’s 30th Annual Winterfest and moving into a week long SNOCADE, one will find activities that appeal to both outdoor and indoor vacationers.  Highlights include the Winter Wonderland Craft Fair, Cardboard and Duct Tape Sled Races, a winter water rescue, Sky Watch, guided snowshoe and snowmobile […]

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Indian Lake to Old Forge: Update 2/3/15

I didn’t make a deal with the devil or blow off work today. I live here and this happened to be my day off. Was going to start at the crack of dawn. Umm…minus 15*F changes that strategy pretty quick. So I waited until 9:40AM to get underway, to give the groomers a head start. […]

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