Screamen Eagle

Game Over…

The Fat Ole’ Lady is singing loud and clear! Temperatures well into the 60s Wednesday afternoon sent snowmelt into hyper-drive. Update 3/10/16: NYS DEC has closed all snowmobile trails and seasonal access roads on Forest Preserve, State Forest and Conservation Easement Lands in the Adirondacks. Towns of Webb & Inlet have closed their snowmobile trail […]

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End of the Road: Update 3/2/16

We got an inch of snow/sleet Tuesday night. Then temperatures shot up to the middle-30s with a quarter-inch of rain. Shortly after sunrise, the temperature took a nose dive into the teens. Some decent snow showers blew through, but didn’t leave anything of significance. Lakes are glare ice and any left-over trail base is hard […]

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One last chance for Ole’ Man Winter: Update 2/29/16

3/2 AM Update: We got an inch of snow/sleet Tuesday night that’s getting wiped out with rain and temperatures in the middle-30s. Temperatures will drop off rapidly today with a freeze up. Probably not worth riding for most… Temperatures hitting the upper 40s on Sunday, plus a bit of rain Monday morning have put us […]

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Fuel Stabilizer Ride: Update 2/24/16

I had walked enough on the snowmobile trails this week to know there was still a good icy base in the woods, even if the exposed areas were really thin. Snow pack was still holding at 6-12 inches in the woods. It would only take an inch or two of new snow (or slop) to […]

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On the Edge of Elimination: Update 2/22/16

Let’s get the trail conditions of the way: They’re awful! If you want to slither around on the crust and pick your way through frozen dirt with a fan-cooled beater snowmobile the next couple of days, have at it. You might find decent riding if you can worm your way to the back side of […]

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