Ohio Tavern and Restaurant

Back From the Dead! Update 3/15/17

Just when it appeared the snowmobiling season was lost, Tuesday’s storm dumped 2 feet of snow on Indian Lake and joined the pantheon of blockbuster March snowstorms! Also saw reports of 2 feet from Speculator and Piseco, and 30-33 inches from Eagle Bay/Inlet. For Indian Lake, this was the biggest snowfall since the legendary Valentine’s […]

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To the edge of oblivion, but… Update 3/9/17

3/10/17 Update: An arctic front dropped an inch-plus of snow Friday evening, ready to be blown to smithereens.  3/9/17 Report Winter’s remnant snow pack took yet another hit this week. We didn’t get a ton of rain, but two days of mild temperatures and strong winds ate some more cover away. Around Indian Lake, snow […]

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Limited Snowmobiling Options: Update 3/3/17

UPDATE 3/3/17 EVENING: The central Adirondacks picked up an inch or two of dry, powdery snow Friday afternoon.  It’s not enough to improve the base, but it’s enough to keep your slides and heat exchangers cool while you nick and shear your carbides to pieces. 😉 Friday Morning Report Wednesday’s thaw was bad enough with […]

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Short afternoon die-hard run: Update 2/27/17

After work, I had a bit of time to spare so I took a late afternoon & early evening stroll. In the shady woods, the snow pack is still 12-18 inches. The exposed areas and southerly facing hillside hold much less. With temperatures rising to into the lower-40s this afternoon, we switched back from winter […]

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Trail conditions going downhill! Update 2/24/17

UPDATE 2/27/17 After our severe bout with spring thunderstorms on Saturday, it got colder quick and we got almost 3 inches of cement mixture Saturday evening that froze overnight. As to be expected, many trees got bent or knocked down with the heavy snow/ice load. If you have any designs on riding, better do it […]

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