Screamen Eagle

Back on the Saddle! Update 3/2/18

Indian Lake ended up with 5 inches of new snow while the Speculator/Route 8 corridor did a bit better with 6-8 inches. It was a bit frustrating to see places well to our south get multiple feet of snow, but I knew that was coming anyway. We had our biggie in the middle of March last […]

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Diehard Update: 2/28/18

Well…I’ll lay out what we’ve got here: Snow cover is thin to bare in the exposed areas and ranges upwards of 8-16 inches in the shady woods around Indian Lake. For the most part, the trails still hold a leftover base, with bald spots on turns and exposed areas. You can see the snow pack […]

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It’s Over! For Now: Update 2/21/18

We didn’t get much rain. But when temperatures get into the 60s like they did on Wednesday after a couple mild days to soften the snow pack, it didn’t really matter. I went to take a short sunglasses and tee-shirt ride around the trails Wednesday morning. But there was far too much mud to make […]

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Sunday Afternoon Stroll: Ride 2/18/18

Presidents’ Weekend is probably one of the last times you’d expect to see me out snowmobiling. But sometimes you get flushed out of the pocket and have to make a play that you weren’t planning on. The upcoming weather this week flushed me out of my pocket. So, after work I took a run down […]

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Childwold & Cranberry Lake: Ride 2/15/18

Update 2/18/18 There was decent snowmobile traffic around Indian Lake village on Saturday and I saw the groomer making a pass in town Saturday afternoon. Then we got a fresh 2 inches of snow Saturday Night. Asking for trail conditions of individual trails is the wrong question. Just get up here and ride either Sunday […]

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