Adirondack Trail Motel

Mega Miler to Brantingham and Back! Ride 3/14/18

Got a text from Crazy Cal Wednesday morning just as I woke up. He had gotten a last minute reprieve from yet another brutal long distance commute to work in a snow storm and wanted to ride to Old Forge Game on! I was planning on doing that ride anyway. šŸ™‚ Cal also snagged another […]

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Yes!! Update 3/13/18

Well, I heard reports varying from awesome for awful to describe the trails at different places and times last weekend. Yeah…it was a BUSY weekend between Old Forge Snowfest and crowds of people up here looking for their first real ride in weeks. A fresh 4+ inches of snow on Tuesday gave the groomers plenty […]

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Fun times in Oneida County! Ride 3/9/18

A couple friends of mine from down Oneida County way wanted to come up and run ilsnow land this week. But my misadventure on Indian LakeĀ turned them off to that, because they love ilsnow land for…running lakes. So, we flipped the script and and I met them atĀ Barneveld Friday morning. Here was my ride starting […]

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Indian Lake Ride Report 3/8/18

Update 3/10/18 Indian Lake Parks and Rec grooming C8 out to Headquarters and Moose River Plains and S84 out to Blue Mountain Lake. C8/Sabael trail is a lost cause for grooming through the swamp.Ā  Snowarriors have groomed 538/Newcomb trail up to the Essex County Line turnaround.Ā  Ride Report 3/8/18 Wednesday evening, I went to bed […]

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A Little Adventure: Ride 3/4/18

Update 3/8/18 Indian Lake hunted, pecked and clawed our way to 4 inches of fresh snow as of Thursday morning.Ā  Best ride would be to trailer to Browns Farm at the end of Cedar River Road thence ride into Moose River Plains and Inlet/Old Forge from there…that has been groomed this week. Perkins Clearing also […]

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